Data view with multiple branches

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I’m currently doing some testing with multiple branches, as I have only worked with 1 per projetc. I looking to unify multiple census projetcs in just one, in order to be able to register 3 faunistic groups.

I have created a question where you indicate what group does the species fit with a jump to a branch where you select, from that group, its name. The idea is that if you see a species from a different group, you just go back to the question and it takes you to the corresponding branch.

The problem is, when viewing the data on the phone APP or desktop, I can only see the last branch saved, even though the downloaded data includes all 3 branches correctly.

This is probably related to jumps, as it is indicated when saving the form, but I wonder if there is any alternative way to do this or if I am missing something.


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I have a question with 3 possible answers:

Each one leads to different branch using jumps:

On the same field survey I might collect data on the three branches, which I do by going back to the initial question and selecting a different answer, therefore accessing the wanted branch.

When I download the csv data I obtain 4 csv archives, 1 for the “main” form and 1 for each branch, containing the data I collected. The problem is when I try to view the data through Epicollect app or web, where I can only visualice the last branch I filled:

I have tried the form without the jumps and I can see the data from the 3 branches like this:

I hope this illustrates what I tried to explain. Thanks for the answer!

Epicollect5 is designed to manage responses based on conditional flows, which are determined by the jumps you set in your form. However, if you decide to go back and edit the conditional flow defined by these jumps, it is important to note that your previous responses associated with those jumps will be lost. Once edited, only the most recent responses, based on the new flow, will be displayed.

Workaround to Preserve Responses

To avoid losing your previous responses when editing a conditional flow, you can try the following approach:

  1. Remove the Jumps:
  2. Manually Skip Branches: If you do not have the information required for certain sections at the moment, you can manually skip the branches instead of relying on conditional jumps.

This method ensures that your existing data remains intact and unaffected by changes to the conditional logic.

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