Error al guardar cita con foto

Uso un Iphone 15 y no podía subir fotos a Epicillect por ser en fomato .heic, he cambiado el formato de almacenamiento en mi dispositivo y ahora son en .jpg.
Sin embargo el problema persiste y sigo sin poder guardar citas con foto. Adjunto pantallazo.


If you haven’t already, could you attempt to reinstall the app? Keep in mind that uninstalling the application will result in the removal of data from your device.

Should the problem persist, kindly share steps to replicate the issue, possibly with screenshots, allowing us to investigate further.

Thank you.

Sí, tengo instalada la última versión y el problema sigue existiendo. Da el mismo error.
Si no se adjunta la foto la cita se guarda sin problema.

We released version 76.1.0 on the App Store which hopefully should fix the issue you are experiencing.

If you are still facing the same issue with version 76.1.0 or higher, please open a new thread.

Thank you.