Project Name (if applicable, otherwise just type n/a)
I have search list with about 100 entries that gets updated periodically. The canonical sources is a table in a postgres database. I have a program that uses the API to check the project for new data and i would like to have the program also update the search list if needed.
Could you please provide more details and possibly an example with screenshots to help us better understand what you are aiming to achieve?
This would help us offer more precise assistance or guidance.
Thank you for your cooperation.
I don’t see what else I can add ??? this is a straight forward question with a yes, no answer. From the lack of response I assume the answer is no.
Thank you for your response.
We completely understand that you’re looking for a straightforward answer, but we’re having trouble understanding exactly what your “search list” refers to and how it’s structured.
For instance:
- Is the search list a database table, a JSON file, or something else?
- How is it currently being updated?
- What role does the API play in this process?
- Any chance to post some code samples?
Without knowing these details, it’s impossible for us to give you a definitive “yes” or “no” answer, we are afraid.
this is the search list from form builder. I wish to be able to update the list via the api.
Thank you for providing the extra info.
We understand you have a question of type SEARCH with a list of possible answers you would like to modify using our API.
We confirm that is not possible we are afraid.