We are a citizen science project, collecting data on water quality in the tributaries of the river Avon. When I download our data in csv format, the dates do not sort as expected. There were 2 different date formats in the csv output, which makes data sorting difficult for presentation.
All data for our project was input while in direct use the calendar for the date entry.
The standard date format output was yyyy/mm/dd. However, we noticed that we had entries from 2024/01/04 in the csv file (4th January 2024). However, we did not start out project until 11th Feb 2024.
This occurred for many data entries and we had to trawl through the handwritten records in order to correct the dates, before we could sort and present the data in graphs. As you can imagine, this took a great deal of time and effort. Therefore, I was hoping the you could suggest a solution to the issue of date formatting in.csv file output
Many thanks