Project Name (if applicable, otherwise just type n/a)
I am trying to set up a data entry that takes some initial data and then keeps presenting a form (group) for an arbitrary number of entries.
It is for weed reporting for a conservation project, there are two use cases:
1/. Weeding volunteers who will typically visit a known (and named) weed site and report what they found and whether or not they were able to deal with the weeds found. Sites are species specific.
2/ other people working on the project who come across weeds in the course of their work.
the data we want to collect is almost identical in each case except in the first case we want to get the site name (which will imply the species). In the second case we need to explicity ask for the species.
I solve this with a search for the site name which defaults to “random find” and a jump over the next entry which gets the species from the user if the answer in not “random find”.
Now we finally get to the point of the question:
A big weed site may cover a hectare or so and may well have several weed locations within the site. It would be nice to iterate over the data entry form entering in data (including location) for individual finds and having them linked to the site name. I think I should be able to do this using branches but, from the docs, I can’t figure out how to use them.
Suggestion on how to to accomplish this or pointers to example code that uses branches would be very welcome.