Unable to upload screen shots

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When I try and drag and drop a 72KB png screen shot to this window it appear to hang for at least 5 minutes with “processing Upload” and a spinner.

Worse still I can’t close the pop up and If I open a new browser window and try again I pick up the hung session.

MacOS, Chrome.

This is a jpeg from Chrome 133, Mac OS.

This is a PNG from Chrome 133, Mac OS

Have you tried another browser, like Safari or Firefox?

testing safari – that works

and now chrome works too.

spoke too soon. As soon as I try and compose my real question (in safari this time) I get the same issue. Very frustrating. looks like I will have to do without screen sots.

We are sorry but we cannot reproduce the issue

Image by Hardae from Pixabay

While we strive to improve reliability, delivering a completely bug-free experience is not always feasible due to our limited resources. That said, we are constantly working to enhance the system and truly appreciate your patience and understanding.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.