Uploading photos removes or keeps geotag?

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I have been working on a way of processing the samples collected in the field, and for now I have a solution which is probably not the best, because when I upload pictures taken with my phone to an epicollect form, the gps data are removed. Everything else is kept, but I don’t know why the gps is removed. So to recover it I have to take the gps from the original files in my phone with a solution that is not very elegant…
I thought it was the phone, but people at google developer forum keep saying it is the app. I gave epicollect the permissions for gps, but no way. I would like to know, so, if any other user is uploading their geotaged pictures to epicollect app and having or not the same problem.

Thank you in advance!

We have already responded to this question in the same thread — EXIF information should be preserved.

You can find our previous reply here:
🔗 Photos file names changed during upload

If you are experiencing a different behaviour on your phone, you may consider adding a LOCATION question to capture latitude and longitude separately.

This is an upload from our Samsung phone, Android 14, stock camera app.

See the details

Sorry but the previous thread was on another topic, feel free to remove this thread if you feel it’s a double.
And thank you for the answer…

No problems!

Can you provide the details of the phone you are using?

In some Lineage OS roms for example, geotagging does not work.